While that may be true, by the end of February, I can honestly say that I cannot wait to tear the page off the calendar! The guilt has set in about the fact that I have spent most of the month eating poorly (thanks to all that birthday celebrating,) plus the cold, gray weather has taken it's toll on my mood and energy level. Here is a photo of my completed February RPF Calendar page.
For the most part I would consider February 2013 to be a success as far as sticking to my goals, but there are definitely some areas I'm hoping to improve on with the arrival of March. My youngest two sons are bringing home their 2nd trimester report cards tomorrow. If I was to receive one for February I think it might look something like this...
Running: A+
Comments: All training runs completed, maintaining 8 minute mile pace, attitude beginning to shift from dreading long runs to embracing them, completing shorter runs before work rather than in the evening...huge improvement!
Upcoming March races:
March 9th: Nike Women's Marathon virtual 10k
March 17th: "March O'Madness" 13.1, Cary, IL
March 30th: "Egg Shell Shuffle" 13.1, Schaumberg, IL (while my son Bailey runs the 5k)
April 15th; Boston Marathon!!!
Eating: D (Disastrous for the diet, but delicious!)
Comments: Seriously ridiculous! See proof below!
2/10 Dave and Busters for lunch...huge chicken caesar salad
2/14 chocolate all day
2/15 dinner at The Stage Stop, Wilmot, WI...steak, lobster & baked potato with literally a whole stick of butter
2/16 Ribs and au gratin potatoes from Carson's Ribs, followed by Bakers Square pie
2/17 Dinner at The Lake House...soup, pasta and the biggest ice cream sundae ever
2/18 Birthday french toast made by my son Nick, Chinese food for dinner, followed by ice cream cake
2/21Chicago deep dish pizza
2/22 Opening day for Dairy Queen!
Anyone feeling sick yet?
Dieting: C-
Comments: Thankfully the other 20 days of the month I made good choices (and ran my butt off,) so I still managed to lose 2.2 more pounds for a total of 8.2 for the year. I even won my first Dietbet by losing 4% of my body weight! Whoo hoo!
Blogging: D-
Comments: So many ideas in my brain, but no time or maybe just no energy at the end of the day to transfer them from my brain to this blog! Not a complete fail, as I have kept up with my "Been there, read that" page, so the blog hasn't been completely stagnant. One of my March goals is to write a new post at least once a week. Writing shorter posts more often will hopefully help me reach this goal!
Motherhood: A-
Comments: For the moment all four of my boys are happy and healthy! I feel blessed to say that other than being crazy busy, February has been pretty much drama free! (A birthday gift in itself!) When my kids are happy, I feel like I must have done something right. My lack of time spent cooking and cleaning for my sweet children however, lost me a few points.. :)
Assessment: Speaking of gifts, each year for my birthday my boys write me a letter in their individual "mom" journals. Reading the words that come straight from their heart each year is the most meaningful gift I have ever received. My oldest even remembered to send the book from college. He earned major bonus points for that one!
Reading: C+
Comments: In January I read and reviewed 23 books. In February, that number dropped to a sad 13. It's hard to find time to read when you're training for a marathon and celebrating birthdays! :(
Life in the Library: B
Comments: I completed reading the 20 Monarch nominees to my k-2 kids for the Illinois Reader's Choice award. We cannot WAIT to vote for our favorites next week and find out which book young students across Illinois like best! My fingers are crossed for Lulu and the Brontosaurus, by Judith Viorst! Some other highlights this month included our 5th graders preparing and presenting skits based on Jan Brett's books for our k/1 kids, and a return author visit from Peter Lerangis. Take a minute to enjoy the video below of Frank, one of our 5th grade students, interviewing Mr. Lerangis during his visit. It is guaranteed to make you smile!
What brought this grade down to a B was a project that our 4th graders have been working hard on to create video book talks for a national contest called, Storytubes. Unfortunately, we just never had enough time during library to do all that we wanted to do, and the project did not go as well as planned. We did have a few that turned out great including the one below created by Emma, Serena, Katia and Lexy.
Fun Factor: A-
Comments: Outside of work stress, not having my oldest home for his birthday for the 1st time ever, and some absolutely awful commute times due to weather, February was pretty much filled with fun! In addition to all of the above, my beloved IU Hoosiers continue killing it on the basketball court, and I finally painted and almost finished redecorating my bedroom which I've been wanting to do for quite a while.
Overall, I'd say February 2013 a pretty good month, but now it's time to bring on March Madness! What would your February report card look like?